Wednesday 24 April 2013


Hugo Rafael Chavez
Yu hav not betrayed Venezuelas people’s struggle
Their survival and human dignity yu preserved
In these vulture-ridden,cannibal times
That my friend Micere githae mugo sang of….
When Eagle menacingly circle around us
Destroying Iraq and Pakistan
Killing women and innocent children
Chavez commander in chief
I salute yu
Wishing yu good under the red earth
The place we are all destined to
Tribute Chavez
Combatant of the soil
ChAVEZ  we salute yu…
Yu stood up and condemn the bloodsucking eagle
When the eagle hovered above Iraq
Urinating fire on innocent souls
Go in peace Chavez…...long live Venezuela!
My condolence to brothers and sisters in Venezuela
Keep heart! Don’t break ya unity Venezuela

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