Wednesday 24 April 2013

I am a Dead man Walking

What if I came back from the grave where I lay in
I was a mortal
I made mistakes sometimes
I was correct sometimes
What if I came back from the grave I lay in?

I am alone in the grave
No muazzin to call for prayers
No Ramadhan to fast
No sweet women to romance….
I can’t tell night from day
And day from night am dead
What if I came back from the grave I lay in?

Some are buried with golden caskets
Some with decoration of flowers ‘top their grave
Some are buried in asuit and tie
All these could not give us back life in the grave
What if I came back from the grave I lay in?

I hear ya footsteps on top of ma grave
Yu are boasting if not bragging
Of the temporary world paradise
What if I came back from the grave I lay in?

Several friends by ma side
Some sad faces …some glad faces
I was unable to please anyone notion
My thoughts are simple and calm
What if I came back from from the grave I lay in?

I came with  nothing
I go back with nothing
No need of golden casket
No suit…no  tie for myself corpse
No golden watch but “sanda”
 White burial cloth is enough to rest my soul
What if I came back from the grave I lay in?

They lay me on the ground deep
Family,friends and relatives
They all scramble for spades
To scoop earth and pour on myself
The grave wave and smiles at me
Welcoming me to my new home
Only good deeds salvage not..
Not even prayers
But Allah’s grace and mercy set us free
What if I came back from grave I lay in?

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