Wednesday 24 April 2013

Durban City

Durban today you are hiding a queen,
Her eyes under her veil are like a gentle dove
Her hair long and flowing
Durban open your gates and allow myself to meet the queen
Come with me queen of Durban
Come from the tropical city of humidity
Durban open your gates wide
Expose me to the queen of your sweet love
I have taken off my coat
I don’t want to put it back
I have washed my feet
Durban allow me to step in the queens carpet
This carpet from Persian…
The country of origin for Adam and Hawa
May peace be upon them
Get closer Durban
I am in Durban city
Looking for the queen
Am lost in Durban
The police that patrol Durban found me,
They hit me, they hurt me,
The officers took my documents from me
Who is that queen? they asked me
She is a pretty queen of Durban,I told ‘em
She is pretty as the moon
Before  I realized it
Nelson Mandela sent me a convoy to drive me to the palace
To see the queen
After the officers humiliated myself
Now Durban is welcoming me….
Sorry, sorry and welcome to Durban
So yu may see the queen
I got to the palace where the queen belong
Oh delightful young queen!
Tall like a palm tree in Mombasa where I came from
The Queen of Durbans breast like
Clusters of the palm tree’s fruit.
I said I will climb up the palm tree,
I will take hold of its branches
The smell of the queen’s breath is like apples
But am a slave,
My skin is dark
Burned by the scorching sunshine
My hair is hard
Some say they can make use of my hard hair to clean sufurias
But now the Queen of Durban
Don’t look at how dark I am…..
She don’t look at how dark the sun has made me
I am dark becoz my slave master
Made me to work in the field
B ut now am in a palace
Free from the shackles of doom
My pen run dry..
The Queen is walking me under her apple trees
And am lost of words……gliding in my heart

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