Wednesday 24 April 2013

The young University student died of Democracy

UON student shot dead by Police in Nairobi
died of democracy.
You could tell by the way his “Democracy on Trial” T-shirt
Is soaked in blood as he lay in death
The white peaceful t-shirt of Democracy on trial is blooded
George Kerowa died of democracy
The Uniform of brutality have killed him
They loaded his body onto a van
His books now remain silent,             
His pen lay on the table
University of Nairobi now mourning
His friends will miss him dearly
They may be sad
But George Kerowa died of democracy,
He might just  be so glad in his death
That he had took leave
From this uncouth abode that’s supposed to be nesting us
The young man longed to see democracy in Kenya
And live to tell his generation that he fought for democracy
When democracy was on trial
But now the uniform of brutality has dispersed his life
Like pollen in the wind
And he is no more with us
He died of democracy

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