Thursday 24 January 2013


I feel like working in a refugee camp,
To give to those who survive the war a chance in the camp,
A chance to survive peace asap,
I want to teach a peace subject at school in the camp.

I feel like working in a refugee camp,
I want to make friends and share secrets with refugees in the camp,
Yes, and sit down with women-survivors of incest, physical assault and rape,
Let’s do a little and we can do a lot  to bring humanity up

I feel like I wanna work in a refugee camp,
I want to give hope to the hopeless children and mothers in the camp,
In Colombia, Pakistan,Afghanistan,Congo,Somali I come,
I don’t want children to sing a song of welcoming to me home,

I feel like I wanna work in a refugee camp,
No war,no gun we don’t want it again,
Let the world take the peace train
Stop war I say again and again

I feel like I wanna work in a refugee camp,
Mingle with amputated children of innocence
Telling me their stories with well of tears in their eyes,
They are wearing ripped dusty clothes and they are smiling

I feel like I wanna work in a refugee camp,
We don’t want another war ,
Everyone is suffering in the camp,
The amputees are also refugees……

1 comment:

  1. You make me want to work in a refugee camp too. Spread the love Jahfari!
