Thursday 24 January 2013

A Recitative Poem!

We are little soldiers, fighting hard for life,
We came upon the scene of cruel human strife,
Our Prophet-(saw) taught us to be always good and true,
And in the battle ever try to be a blue.
We’ve  met so many hard and awful blows, you know,
But friends, we heard that "we shall reap just what we sow,"
So we shall ever a man of courage be,
And work with other noble men who'll toil with us.
We  promise to engage in what is good and right,
And for the cause of race to make a manly fight;
The world shall be our  cautious battle stage,
For  we shall follow wisely footprints of old age.
The endless fight of men for right against the wrong,
Shall steel our youthful courage on and make us strong;
But we shall need Allah's help all seasons of the year,
To safely fight with heart that's void of fear.
The humanity cause is now beset with many darts,
But we can win if we have true and loyal hearts;
Young though we are, we'll stand and march with you,
If you will serve and hold the line, like men-true blue.

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