Thursday 24 January 2013


I’m an Afrikan child
Born in in the rich soil of Mama Africa
I’m an African child who brings hope for the future
I’m an African child

I the African child is suffering great suffering
Nobody cares about me
What I see is an Afrikan child whose future is doomed
by corrupt and brutal leadership
I see an African child dying of malnutrition, poverty, drugs....
I am an African child

Across the world African child is suffering of child labour
African child abused is used and refused
I am an African child

African child is denied hope and prosperity
I am an African child
African child knows no peace
In Somalia, Congo, Uganda
I am an African child fed up with what I see in Africa
I am an African child
The positive side of Africa is with me
I am an African child


...I see sensible, intelligent people smoking cigarette.
People who smoke cigarette are dumb stupid!
The man who made cigarettes writes on the box;

...warning that cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health.

What kind of stupid people are we... that we take up a box of cigarette and try to kill ourselves?


Tribute to 121 journalists killed in 2012…
Here is a message for everyone to listen,
Our message will go on forever….
Kill us or salvage us, but when me know facts we say facts.
We tell that we have told you,like it or hate it
Journalism will go on forever


I pray that you will come with no complications
But Allah blessings to come with you
I have to pass to you this poem
I donknow  if yu are a girl or boy baby

You are born a Muslim not a revert like ya dad my unborn baby
You are an African of Kenyan origin from Asembo-Siaya
 I want you stronger sooner
I want you kind and brave
I want you unafraid to fight
for what you believe and need

I want confidence in you
want you beautiful and free
Don be like ya mum or Dad but your own natural you

Love this girl,I love this boy who Allah finds for me
the procreation to multiply Allah’s creation
my child what I can tell you is peace,
becoz you were conceived in peace
the moment was passionate and moon shining

Still, I think of you as possible
can feel the breath of Allah light against your skin
can hear you, softness, eyes closed laughing
real as the beating staccato against my chest
I touch your sweet mums womb and I feel you playing
I hear ya voice my unborn baby coming out from the womb of ya mum
these hands gently and passionately feelin ya touch
still yu got no name,
but now ya mum got a name for yu,
Olum will remain yours forever

I want you to like me
I want you like ya mum
In moments of night your mother lays awake
watching, yet, another morning from the wrong side
practicing slow this breathing that will one day usher you into this world

I still fear that when you come into this world
Ya mum will never know sleep
but I know that I need your laughter
need the gentle curve of your fingers
need your eyes locked on mine
need you here in this crazy world my unborn baby,

I still think you deserve more than
this I can offer you
My unborn baby,may Allah protect yu from evil eye to reach yu in ya mums womb
 just promise me that you will be, eventually
I’m ending this poem for yu
 I need no night  to sleep,
but I remain steadfast that yu will come out a man
may be a woman with confidence,and fear of Allah

My unborn baby,
May the Grace of Allah be with yu
And let the devil suffocate yu not
For by the will of His Majesty Allah
Yu hav conquered……Allah ibarik


I feel like working in a refugee camp,
To give to those who survive the war a chance in the camp,
A chance to survive peace asap,
I want to teach a peace subject at school in the camp.

I feel like working in a refugee camp,
I want to make friends and share secrets with refugees in the camp,
Yes, and sit down with women-survivors of incest, physical assault and rape,
Let’s do a little and we can do a lot  to bring humanity up

I feel like I wanna work in a refugee camp,
I want to give hope to the hopeless children and mothers in the camp,
In Colombia, Pakistan,Afghanistan,Congo,Somali I come,
I don’t want children to sing a song of welcoming to me home,

I feel like I wanna work in a refugee camp,
No war,no gun we don’t want it again,
Let the world take the peace train
Stop war I say again and again

I feel like I wanna work in a refugee camp,
Mingle with amputated children of innocence
Telling me their stories with well of tears in their eyes,
They are wearing ripped dusty clothes and they are smiling

I feel like I wanna work in a refugee camp,
We don’t want another war ,
Everyone is suffering in the camp,
The amputees are also refugees……


Here I come Allah
No partner do you have
All praise to you
The universe is yours

Allah never fails
Bail me out of sin
Don’t forsake me Allah
To you is our return

We adore your name
When we were down
You lifted us from the dirt
Till I die I carry on

When they plan us evil
Allah will avert it
Aha!they laughed at us
Didn’t Allah proved it to them?


United Nation is like an illusion,
causing so much confusion,
taking over our solution,
U.N itself is a pollution
they sign treaties but no solution

Israel has broken 65 U.N resolution’
Iraq broke two resolution’
and got invaded….Saddam Hussein abduction
and that was Iraq destruction…..

Now I go take ablution
And pray for the world solution
And end this world commotion
Coz we need a peaceful world fruition
One love to the world composition!!


Dispel the lie,
About Islam,
A terrorist religion,
This is but,
A misconception,
Sent by westerns
To cause distraction
From identification
With our Abrahamic roots

Dispel the lie
That I
Only become a suspect when we got beards,
When we wear don touch ma shoes trousers,
I Tryin' to find self
Through the sunna of the Prophet,
Peace n blessin be upon Him,

Allah light
Shining bright
No candle light inside ma grave,
The sijda mark on ma forehead,
It’s the light to shine inside ma grave

Dispel the lie
That we
Can only get to paradise,
When we kill our brothers and sisters

Dispel the lie
That we
Cannot think humanity
Without a bomb on our waist
Dispel the lie

Keep Cool

Suns have set and suns will rise
Upon many gloomy lives;
Those who sit around and say:
"Nothing good comes down our way."
Some say: "What's the use to try,
Life is awful hard and dry."
If they'd bring such news to you,
This is what you ought to do.
Let no trouble worry you;
Keep cool, keep cool!
Don't get hot like some folk do,
Keep cool, keep cool!
What's the use of prancing high
While the world goes smiling by.
You can win if you would try,
Keep cool, keep cool.
Throw your troubles far away,
Smile a little every day,
And the sun will start to shine,
Making life so true and fine.
Do not let a little care
Fill your life with grief and fear:
Just be calm, be brave and true,
Keep your head and you'll get through.

A Recitative Poem!

We are little soldiers, fighting hard for life,
We came upon the scene of cruel human strife,
Our Prophet-(saw) taught us to be always good and true,
And in the battle ever try to be a blue.
We’ve  met so many hard and awful blows, you know,
But friends, we heard that "we shall reap just what we sow,"
So we shall ever a man of courage be,
And work with other noble men who'll toil with us.
We  promise to engage in what is good and right,
And for the cause of race to make a manly fight;
The world shall be our  cautious battle stage,
For  we shall follow wisely footprints of old age.
The endless fight of men for right against the wrong,
Shall steel our youthful courage on and make us strong;
But we shall need Allah's help all seasons of the year,
To safely fight with heart that's void of fear.
The humanity cause is now beset with many darts,
But we can win if we have true and loyal hearts;
Young though we are, we'll stand and march with you,
If you will serve and hold the line, like men-true blue.


My  friend,ma lover and ma  colegue,
Man sleep and wake with her,
The personal assistance of man,
Who is a man with no woman?

Thinking of her corrupts mind,
Day in day out man in a run,
No rest even in the darkness,
The burden that is man’s responsibility,

She deserves honor & respect,
A good woman is her who argues not with man,
Her voice cool,calm and sweet,
No prattling,no yelling but contained,

A good man needs a good woman,
A good woman is able to change a bad man,
Humble and meekness is a woman of choice,
Rude woman,vague no good choice
But gentle and intelligence woman
She is the woman


While in this world u gonna  see,
See men who giv little of the much they have,
They giv it only for recognition,
This are dangerous men of the world,
Men that must not be envied by wise men,
Neither admired by our gorgeous lasses

And again I tell you,
Some have little but give it all,
Indeed they are the true Real Men,
Men who  to be  admired .

This men replace fear of tomorrow ,
Hoping  that tomorrow will bring its good with itself,
The  joy of giving  make them breath fragrance of Love,
Love creates them stability,harmony and meekness,

Some give with joy,
Some give with pain
Some will only give when asked,
Some will give unasked,
Some through understanding.


Early in the morning I wake
The sun has risen once again
The gazelle must run fast
It must struggle for its survival

Then I see the lion
Determined to outrun the gazelle
Or it gonna starve to death
No matter who you are
The race must continue
As the sun crosses the earth

In tatters they dress pondering
For  their next move
Not knowing where their next meal will come from
Some a begging and some a hawking
Children a’ crying and mothers a’ weeping

Oh Allah!! Lift them from the dirt,
Wipe them tears and make them rejoice


For me it’s best
I know what it is
Sometimes I get plagued
Yes frustration and despondency
Despair in my mind

Allah never look down upon us
Attend to these calls
And lift us above our enemies
And our cups fill to the brim

For us Allah is good,
Say God is good
No burden on us
Only that we can bear and fulfilling
The desire of our hearts


 For this world is like illusion
Causing so much confusion
Taking over my solution
Around this world is pollution

Stretch out your arms
and praise the most the Most High
don’t give up,
stand up and fight
fight a good fight
the Mighty in battle wont let
you down


As water shapes into the glass,

So Lord shape us into your plan,
Touch us and warm our heart with Love,
That we may feel the needs of our brethrens and sistrens.

Employ these hands to Save A Life,(feed the poor)
Helps us to build a formidable Foundation,(generation)
Only to feed the poor,
And give light to our darken society,

This sadness from the world,
Let’s come together and remove it,
May the good Lord-Allah (SWT),
Redeem our lives  from sin & vice.

When our time comes to an end,
That moment of our last breath,
Let’s reflect across our active lives,
And find no deeds which bring regrets.

It’s only then that u and I,
Gonna find a serene resting place in our graves,
A place of comfort and fragrance  of breath.
Ameen Rabbilalameen.


 We heard the voices crying out, 
In the society asking for help,
And we're their only hope,
So we're here sending a message.

How many times do we have to see,
Our brothers and Sisters die in street,
From hunger and maladies
a bullet by another brother
Trying to find food to eat
Just to survive we've gotta be enemies
That is how we get defeat
So that's why we're delivering this message
To every
you reading this poem

How many times should we hear the voice
Of mothers cry and weep
Because they can't assist
The needs of their own youths in the community
Our people cry and ask for help
Still you don't care about their needs
We hope to see a change some day
And your reward is with Allah The Almighty
Help bring change….
This is to every
you reading this poem


 Try and be of good character ma friend,
Good character is a sign of humanity ma friend,
Good character provides u pleasant comfortable life ma friend,
You’ll be loved among people ma friend.

Oh ma friend,
 Keep good character your trend,
Forgive them that hav ill-treated you ma friend,
Give to them who deny you ma friend.

Again ma friend,
Be quiet and show good character ma friend,
Its reward is  worth more than anything ma friend,
This good character is much heavier on the scale ma friend.


IT’s very hard to find a perfect woman,
Lookin east,lookin west,
No where to be found,
But a perfect woman,
She is much more than gold and silver,

A perfect woman,
Is one her  husband can trust,
The good wife does good for her husband,
All her life she cause no trouble,
She wears good perfume for her husband,

A perfect woman never lazy,
She wakes up very early in de morning,
Answer the call for prayers,
Five times a day,
She respect her CREATOR,

Many women become good wives,
But a perfect woman,
She is the praying woman
She is the best.


I am going in search of a Lion
Who should be terrible in struggle
Who is feared and loved.

I want a Lion with a gentle look
With a  frank smile
a cheerful Lion
with red eyes
without reticence.
A Lion immense in Love
I shall call this Lion

I am looking for a Lion
A generous Lion
Who shares bread

I am looking for a Lion
Hard and implacable
With enemies….
This Lion
gentle and human
Friendly and simple
I shall call this Lion

I am going in search of a Lion
Who smiles at defeat
With such faith in victory

I am looking for a Lion
Who should be bold
a beloved Lion
a dreaded Lion
 I shall call this Lion


In the presence of Allah
Could you be sober and quite
Maintain tranquility just supplicate to your Lord
Meditate on His way
Love and share
Don’t be stingy or corrupt

Be steadfast in worshiping your Maker
Bow down your head
Who is your sustainer?
Glorify Him day and nite
Satisfaction, knowledge and understanding
Protection and wisdom all He-Allah
Provides in bounty without measure to them that
He loves


             Creation so splendid,
Everything with its freedom
Birds hovering freely without
Barrier to the destruction
Rivers cascading down the hills

In the forest,
Trees grow
With tendrils taking their way
So man’s beards must sprout out
Eat the herb, eat fruits
Only to make you strong and healthy
It’s untold story


Why stand aside and look when
Humanity is abused
Women and children are killed
From all corners of the world,
Horn of Africa
There is war,war on the east and war on the west
War on the North and war in the south
War everywhere-Bob Marley said
Why should it happen this way

Solidarity and steadfastly come up
Rise up! Defend humanity
Our religion is peace and love
Which is more than a religion
It’s our way of life


What a place to be at,
Come into the house
The multitude of His mercy flourish
And His fear engulf our soul
Not to tread in the wrong way

With quietness we meditate
For the peace of mind
Only come soothing with the deep thought
Of Allah with a humble attitude towards His creation …..


When you see them coming
Want to hold you hostage
Becoz of disobedient to what
Them believe in
Pack and go
Take your way through the swying
Trees and chirping birds

Run away to save the life,
Persevere and be patient
Coz it’s a simple way to win the battle
The marvelous shall see you through,
Hide you from your enemies
And let them live to see your
Prosperity in the land


Make your law delight,
Let meditate them day and night
Like a tree planted by the rivers
Of water hanging sweet fruits of prosperity
Nations to take hold by the wisdom of the wise


You try to make known
A dream about the past and the future,
But they won’t stare in your way
They turn deaf the teachings of Jesus Christ…
 and Muhammed may peace be upon them all
only seem to notice the looks of the western
forgetting even the strength and Afrikan roots
then they intrigue the blackman
turn you against I and I which is you and myself
and make you the hated

And it gives you pride
To be persecuted by man
For the right of telling truth against evil
As they will only listen
To those who sit high upon
The land and fleece the very life out of them
Those who dress elegantly
But are hypocrites,corrupt
And full of trash within
I and I never give up the fight for right
One day the bottom gonna drop out


I’m glad when I trode
To the house of Allah-God Almighty
My feet trode with  steadfastness
Peace and prosperity are
Within the house walls,
Grace and mercy are where our heads bow
And the black spot on our…..
 Forehead thus a sign

We said calmly with our heads down,
Holy Allah! Holy Allah! Holy Allah!
Grant us the knowledge,wisdom
and understanding and protect us  from the evils of satan


I Shall pass through this
World but once,
Any good, therefore that
I can show to any
Let me do it now
Let me differ it
or neglect it,
for I shall not pass
this way again

I would mould a poem
About it,
The mystic severity of it
So I’m left with a memory
And to my generation give alms 
and have grace to orphans,
widows, the beggers
immitably the poor in society