Thursday 9 May 2013


Allah the almighty
The sufified…….torafied…
Psalmed,injilified and quranified
Remove our spectacles
Of stained glasses
And show faith to our naked eyes!

Worship Allah,praise Him as soon as yu think….
Laud and try to honor Him
Market His name
Tell pagans about Him….

Allah God almighty
The super natural
The most high
Mnaker of heaven and earth

Praise Him….laud His name
Build mosques to His glory
Lift the poor in His name
Maintain peace in His world
Shed no blood of humanity for the joy of it…..
Only stupid people lose their tempers quick

Allah the landlord and the tycoon
Our graves shall be on his land 6ft down
And our treasure is in His heaven
Our minds and hearts
Are His place of worship

Praise Him….laud His name
Build mosques to His glory
Lift the poor in His name
Maintain peace in His world
Shed no blood of brother for the joy of it…
Only stupid people lose their temper quick……

Copyright Ibrahim jaafar o’lum

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