Tuesday 14 May 2013


Goodbye to the land of coconut
And the view across the ocean
Where big ships sails with ease
And its beaches offer us pleasures

Goodbye to the pleasure
And the Mombasa girls
Who fancy dogs than straight men
And found in it sweetness

Goodbye to the fancies
Of eleven gals
Who even Mombasa poly denied
May be they came for a picnic from Narobi
The city of ruins brought to Mombasa

Goodbye to the ruins
The city port of Mombasa
That now some call the dog city
The private rooms in nyali they rented

A life of alcohol and sex
And sniffing of cocaine and heroine
That trouble us for long
The governor is working……

So now the governor is working
To shape the ruined past of Mombasa
We grapple with the future
And shape our new intentions,good-bye.
COPYRIGHT:Ibrahim Jaafar Olum 2013


A Cold wind came bustling up the precinct of Kenyan parliament
Physical assault on the lifeless head
On the young man face down on the ground
He lay where he fell in a pool of blood

He was beaten  for opposing the MP’s salary increment
He was tired of hard life
He had nothing to do but to protest against it
Then Kenyan law enforcers react foolishly

The police poured teargas
There was no fresh air to breath
The officers became partisans to the greedy MP’s
Shot through the air and locked some in police cells

These MP’s promised to fight for peoples better living standard
But now after the people elected them
There is too much blood in the streets
This is immoderate Kenya of too much for MP’s and too little for the ordinary

The ordinary work with no salary increment for years
But they don’t complain just take a nap at recreational parks with empty stomachs
This they owe to electing some greedy  MP’s
Very far from the dogmas of revolution

COPYRIGHT: Ibrahim Jaafar Olum
Photo courtesy of BBC

Saturday 11 May 2013

The Ruins of University Girls

They made love with dogs
In a dog style they are caught
A Swedish man casting the video
The producer of a porn movie
Mr xtopher clement

They made love with dogs
Paparazzi snapped them in action
... At posh estate nyali,Mombasa
They are but students of Mombasa universities
No moral need indeed

They made love with dogs
Some stand waiting for their turn
Heavy love with a dog
And they got a pay of ksh.3k
They are waithera,nyambura,akoth,mueni

They made love with the dogs
The dog ejaculating its poisonous sperms
And the gals screaming the sweetness of the dog
The tongue of the dog sweating profusely
Later the blue movie to sold in U.S dollars

They made love with a dog
And an informer give a tip off
Policemen told them
They were doing wrong
Making love with a dog
Is a nuisance and degrading to straight men

The gals and Swedish man
Begging policemen’s pardons
Saying they thought it was their
Own business in the dark
That was their right to privacy

They made love with a dog
Making love with dogs is outlawed in Kenya
And if new by-laws are made
The gals will be in jail
And thus we keep Mombasa
Our city clean

This poem inspired by 11 gals among them university students and a Swedish found producing a porn movie with a dog in Kenya posh estate-Nyali,Mombasa-10-05-2013

Copyright Ibrahim Jaafar Olum


Thursday 9 May 2013


Benki ya dunia yasema Kenya itashindwa kufikia malengo ya maendeleo ya milenia-by CRI

(GMT+08:00) 2013-05-09 11:12:23
Benki ya dunia jana ilisema Kenya haiko kwenye njia sahihi ya kufikia malengo ya maendeleo ya milenia kabla ya mwaka 2015 kutokana na kuwa umaskini wa kupindukia haujapunguzwa licha ya juhudi zilizofanywa. Mchumi mwandamizi wa Benki ya dunia Bi Vandana Chandra amesema hali hiyo inatokana na kuwa sera zilizowekwa na Kenya bado hazijatekelezwa vizuri. Hata hivyo amesema hii haina maana kuwa hakuna matumaini, kwa kuwa kama juhudi zikiongezwa mafanikio yanaweza kupatikana.
Ripoti ya pamoja iliyotolewa na Benki ya Dunia na Shirika la Fedha la Kimataifa IMF inaonesha kuwa malengo ya kuleta usawa wa kijinsia na kupunguza vifo vya watoto hayataweza kufikiwa kabla ya mwaka 2020. Bi Chandra amesema bado watu wengi hawana kazi zinazolipa mishahara mikubwa, ili kuwawezesha watu waishi na zaidi ya dola 1.25 kwa siku. Ameishauri serikali kuvutia uwekezaji zaidi katika sekta binafsi hasa kwenye sekta za uzalishaji na huduma.


Allah the almighty
The sufified…….torafied…
Psalmed,injilified and quranified
Remove our spectacles
Of stained glasses
And show faith to our naked eyes!

Worship Allah,praise Him as soon as yu think….
Laud and try to honor Him
Market His name
Tell pagans about Him….

Allah God almighty
The super natural
The most high
Mnaker of heaven and earth

Praise Him….laud His name
Build mosques to His glory
Lift the poor in His name
Maintain peace in His world
Shed no blood of humanity for the joy of it…..
Only stupid people lose their tempers quick

Allah the landlord and the tycoon
Our graves shall be on his land 6ft down
And our treasure is in His heaven
Our minds and hearts
Are His place of worship

Praise Him….laud His name
Build mosques to His glory
Lift the poor in His name
Maintain peace in His world
Shed no blood of brother for the joy of it…
Only stupid people lose their temper quick……

Copyright Ibrahim jaafar o’lum

Monday 6 May 2013


Greetings nowadays
Is a matter of who yu are
This simple salutation
Depends on ya colour
The texture of ya hair
The look of ya nose
The language yu speak

Greetings nowadays
Is the matter of where yu live
Where yu work
And the type of how yu commute
Is it a personal car,a psv or route eleven…
This is our greetings today
But a greetings to appreciate our humanity
Is a good manners
I admire little children I meet
Every time they look me in the eye
And says Asalaam alaykm….
I feel more hopeful about our generation
More hopeful about my children
More hopeful about my country

Sunday 5 May 2013

Marcus Garvey: Life and Lessons

"I do not speak carelessly or recklessly but with a definite object of helping the people, especially those of my race, to know, to understand, and to realize themselves."--Marcus Garvey, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1937